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Megan Fox - Named sexy and Hottest Woman On The Web?

megan fox named world's sexiest woman

As much as we dig massive robots, the highlight of last year’s Transformers was undeniably brunette beauty Megan Fox. More specifically, brunette beauty Megan Fox in that car-fixing scene. That’s right – the one that nearly made you choke on your popcorn.

Movies aside, 2007 was a great year for the tattoo-loving actress, who even managed to out-Google media train wreck Britney Spears. Web-wise, 2008's shaping up a treat, too. She’s already overtaken serial bap-flasher Keeley Hazell and is closing fast on Jessica Alba, who you crowned 2007’s Sexiest Woman in the World.

In honour of this achievement, here’s a small selection of what’s been getting the world clicking. As ever, tap the thumbnails for a closer look.